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March 21, 2006



"Give to your fiends..."

I think you meant "friends" here. Some of my best friends are fiends. :)


Looks great. Two suggestions:

- 50% of your purchase price goes directly to the musician, "which is x% higher than the industry average" (cuz the average person might not know that 50% is good).

- Maybe instead of (or in addition to) the "WHY we are not evil" link, make the "WE ARE NOT EVIL" portion of the top logo link to this page ... perhaps with a glowy mouse-over so people know to click it.

Off to hang with my fiends,

Nathan Jones

1. "Ogg Vorbis", not "OGG".

2. Typo: delivere-by-postal-mail - missing 'd' in delivered.

3. The "WHY we are not evil" link is not enough. Ian's suggestion is good. One possibility is adding a "(learn why)" link whenever you mention "we are not evil".

Kirk McElhearn

I think you're missing the key point - most users don't care whether you're evil or not. They want good music. Focus on the lack of evilness; that's a great thing. But put more emphasis on the music you sell; that's why people come to your site.

You're different - you don't just sell everything. You choose what you sell. You're a hybrid - part on-line seller, part record label.

Find a one-click way that listeners can hear a random track from each genre. Give them free downloads, a couple of tracks a week. Focus on your product, not your philosophy - philosophy is great, but people aren't buy that; it's a plus.

John Buckman

I think you meant "friends" here. Some of my best friends are fiends.

You're right, we don't want to bad-mouth fiends. Fixed.

make the "WE ARE NOT EVIL" portion of the top logo link to this page

An excellent idea, did it.

missing 'd' in delivered.


One possibility is adding a "(learn why)" link whenever you mention "we are not evil".

A good idea, I'll look for places to do that.

I think you're missing the key point - most users don't care whether you're evil or not. They want good music.

And that's exactly what the text of the document focusses on. Look at the first 4 points: perfect audio quality, no DRM, try-before-you-buy, hand-picked music. Those all about what you will get out of this site, concretely, not ethics.

I could call the page "Why we are better" and I thought about it and shopped that around for feedback, but people always ask me "why are you not evil" so I thought I'd answer it.


OGG is container format for (currently) audio and video. "OGG format" is akin to "ZIP format", i.e. meaningless. The audio format that you are offering (it's great that you do, BTW!) is called "Vorbis" or "Ogg Vorbis". Getting this so badly wrong tends to annoy the very people who want to buy Vorbis tracks instead of MP3s.


To Nathan Jones - I don't know about "most people" but Magnatune is the ONLY label that I ever recommend to anyone as a label, and the only label I buy anything from with the exception of occasional indie cd's made by musicians I know personally. I haven't bought a CD in a record store in over 5 years. Evil (or lack of it) is everything. If there really has to be a mortal battle between the RIAA and an uncensored Internet, I want to do everything I can to make sure that the RIAA is the one that dies. Labels like Magnatune will be the only ones left standing.


I'm really glad to see the top albums, etc at /info/stats. This was the biggest reason why I never bought anything when the site was first featured on slashdot. Still, maybe the other available stats could be made more easily accessible with a side-bar along the lines of www.audiri.com. Otherwise, I might not find out that I can get a list of top sellers in my fav genre, for instance, and leave without listening.

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